PMSA National Recording Project - South Yorkshire

Doncaster Metropolitan Borough

We are carrying out research on the pieces on these pages.
If you have further information or revisions to the material above please contact me, Dave Ball, by e-mail or telephone: 0114 225 6213 with the details.
We would also like to hear from you with details of any sculptures or monuments which we may have missed.
We are very grateful for any additional information which you may be able to give us.

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ArtistMaker: HARLEY, Jan
TitleOfWork: 'Stepping Stones'
DescriptionOfPhoto: View of path alongside road and one 'Stepping Stone'
DateOfCreation: 1996
Dimensions: 44cm diameter
Medium: cast metal
Location: Outside the main entrance to the Earth Centre
AtoZReference: P.58 1D
Postcode: DN12 4EA
Street: Doncaster Road (A6203)
TownOrVillage: Denaby Main
MetropolitanBorough: Doncaster
Photographer: Dave Ball
ImageCopyright: Sheffield Hallam University
AccessionNumber: d010e
Description: 7 circular cast 'stones' set into a winding path alongside Doncaster Road. Each stone is different and shows a variety of scenes:
Local inhabitants in a variety of poses; A miner and a mining landscape; The local market; Recreation - playing football and walking in the countryside; People boxing, singing, playing snooker and drinking tea; Playing football; Animals, birds, ramblers and a rainbow.

Commission: The Earth Centre / Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. The artist worked with local groups and schools to produce this work. [1]

References: [1] Copp, James. (1999) "Environmental Arts Programme - List of Projects 1990-1999". Doncaster MBC - Internal Document.

Questions: Which local schools and community groups were involved in these pieces?

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Photographer Dave Ball (unless indicated otherwise above)
Images copyright Sheffield Hallam University
For permission to use any image from these pages please contact us
This page maintained by Dave Ball
Slide Collection, Learning & IT Services
Last updated September 12, 2006