PMSA National Recording Project - South Yorkshire

Doncaster Metropolitan Borough

We are carrying out research on the pieces on these pages.
If you have further information or revisions to the material above please contact me, Dave Ball, by e-mail or telephone: 0114 225 6213 with the details.
We would also like to hear from you with details of any sculptures or monuments which we may have missed.
We are very grateful for any additional information which you may be able to give us.

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ArtistMaker: BRAILSFORD, Victoria and David MAYNE
TitleOfWork: Waymarkers
DescriptionOfPhoto: View of Waymarker (with Timeline by FALLAIS and JACKSON to the right)
DateOfCreation: 2000
Dimensions: 110 cm high x 20 cm diameter
Medium: sandblasted stone with bronze cap
Location: Outside the Mansion House
AtoZReference: p.32 6D
Postcode: DN1 1DG
Street: Mansion House Square
TownOrVillage: Doncaster
AreaInTown: Town Centre
MetropolitanBorough: Doncaster
Photographer: Dave Ball
ImageCopyright: Sheffield Hallam University
AccessionNumber: d018a
Description: Two sets of 3 turned stone columns with bronze caps. Height: 120 cm. One set relates to World History / the other to Doncaster's history. Each column takes a theme: Doncaster's Architecture, Industry and History and the World's Scientific Discovery, Transport and Religions. These are shown as line drawings etched into the surface of the stone by sandblasting.

Commission: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. Lesley Fallais and Brian Jackson were involved in the tiled timeline, but apart from contact at meetings for the Mansion Square Project there was no collaboration between this piece and the Timeline. The Timeline Waymarkers were influenced by considerable community discussion and input. [1]

Comment: Phase 4 of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council 'Quality Streets Project'

References: [1] Interview with David Mayne: 25/2/2003.

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Photographer Dave Ball (unless indicated otherwise above)
Images copyright Sheffield Hallam University
For permission to use any image from these pages please contact us
This page maintained by Dave Ball
Slide Collection, Learning & IT Services
Last updated September 12, 2006