Public Art Research Archive, Sheffield Hallam University

Vic Brailsford
(with carving by Graham Mitcheson)
‘Cutlery’, 1998
Traffic island in Penistone Road (A 61)

This site currently undergoing redevelopment (March 2005) - some of the stones have been moved

Traffic Island on Penistone Road (A 61) at the bottom of Hoyle Street. (A-Z p86 6D)
Paul Carruther's Lights
and Vega Bermejo's 'Pigeons' are visible from the traffic island.

Large silhouettes of various forms of cutlery have been carved into six large gritstone boulders which were placed, some years before, at the three corners of a landscaped traffic island. Each boulder stands typically just under 2 metres high.

Sheffield City Council. Funding from European Regional Development Fund.

This should surely be a popular piece as it depicts in a straightforward manner items from Sheffield’s industrial heritage which have contributed to the history of the city.

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This page maintained by Dave Ball
Slide Collection, Learning and IT Services
Last updated September 5, 2006