Public Art Research Archive, Sheffield Hallam University

Peter Mountain
'Welcome' sign, 1989
now removed
Graves Park

On the grass by the Pavilion. (A-Z p111 6F)

'Welcome' is spelled out in giant letters. The piece had been considered for the entrance of the Park. It was painted brown by the Parks Department.
Update [Feb 2001]: The piece has been removed.

Commission: Sheffield Recreation Department and Sheffield Contemporary Arts Trust.

Work on the piece was scheduled to coincide with the Sheffield Show. Live demonstrations of artists working were to be an attraction. Rod Powell was invited back at the same time to do something on his piece, even though it was finished. However, live action had been provided earlier that summer. In order to publicise the 'Art in the Parks' programme, Vic Brailsford began work on a stone sculpture in the middle of Fargate, Sheffield city centre, a week before it officially opened.

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This page maintained by Dave Ball
Slide Collection, Learning and IT Services
Last updated September 5, 2006