The provision of works of art in public places which can be
readily seen by the public will be encouraged as an integral
part of the design of major developments.
Reasons for the Policy
Works of art can make a positive contribution to the built environment
giving new or refurbished buildings a unique identity. This will help
create a sense of place, add to the character of a nieghbourhood and
promote the image of the City.
The Policy give an opportunity to developers to put something back
voluntarily into the community and for local people to become involved
in the design of their City. Examples in Sheffield include the sculpture
Sheffield Science Park, the steelworker mural on Castle Street, the railings
in Tudor Square, the gates for the Don Valley Stadium and stained glass
the Lyceum Theatre.
It is a means of providing commissions for local professional artists
craftspeople whose skills are underused.
It is particularly important to gove vigorous encouragement to providing
works of art when considerable developments is taking place, though it
will be a matter for negotiation rather than one on which determination
of planning applications will turn.
Government national planning guidance highlights the need to give
priority to good design in new development and to encouraging the arts.
How it will be put into practice
Negotiating with developers for the commissioning of artwork which
makes a positive contribution to development schemes and the area
around them.
Liaising with developers, architects and designers to identify appropriate
sites for works of art and the best type of artwork for a site.
Assisting in the commissioning of local professional artists, and monitoring