Public Art Research Archive

The Peace Gardens - Tracey Heyes


' The source of inspiration for this project came from the Dresser teapot we saw at Youlgreave. We were all struck by the purity and strength of the forms that characterise the work. Dresser's forward thinking approach to design sets the precedent that we felt could be continued throughout the scheme. It is the spirit of excellence and innovation that we hope to capture. Out aspirations are to create a garden that people will want to re-visit. The soft and hard landscape will create colour and texture that will change to reflect the passing seasons inviting both exploration and use. The garden should reflect and celebrate the strong craft and industrial history of the City. As water has powered the tools of manufacture we feel that it should feature extensively throughout the site. We envisage a "ribbon" of water visiting all areas, forming pools and cascading walls of water. The careful and imaginative use of stone, wood, metal and clay will create horizontal and vertical features that will interact with paving and the soft landscape. '

Tracey Heyes 17/02/99

Click on image for more detail
Preliminary Drawing for the Water Channel Preliminary Drawing for the Water Channel Ceramic tile for water channel before firing Water Channel
Water Channel Fountain Ceramic Tiles in the Water Cascade The cascades at night

Page maintained by Simon Quinn, Information Adviser, Learning Centre.
Last Altered on 10/11/99