Public Art Research Archive, Sheffield Hallam University

Alfred Tory
'Knowledge', c. 1934
Cornice of the Central Library/Graves Art Gallery, Surrey Street

Surrey Street. Top corner of Sheffield Central Library and the Graves Art Gallery facing the Town Hall. (A-Z p5 4F)

"The central figure of this group represents Knowledge, bearing in his hands the choice of good and evil, shown by an ankh (Egyptian symbol of life) and the asp of ancient mythology. He is seated upon the world, beneath which flow "the waters under the earth", and is attended on either side by spirit messengers holding aloft flaming torches. The heavens are shown by seven concentric arches - the Cosmos of the ancients, in the form of a canopy - and the Tree of Knowledge, bearing the twelve symbolic fruits, for the background." from the Official Opening of the Building, 1934.

Sheffield City Council. City Architect W.G Davies.

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Slide Collection, Learning and IT Services
Last updated September 5, 2006