Public Art Research Archive, Sheffield Hallam University

Unknown artist (possibly Alfred Stevens)
'Vulcan' and 'Art', 1860
Green Lane Works

The site is now being considered for redevelopment

On the entrance arch to Green Lane Works, Green Lane, S3. (A-Z p. 86 6D)

Two near life-size bronze figures representing the arts (female) and industry (male - 'Vulcan') are on bronze panels inserted into niches either side of the arch, which is the entrance to the works. An inscription on the palette carried by the female figure reads: "Henry E. Hoole Mayor 1842". The same inscription appears on the anvil of the male figure and also on top of the interior of the archway, where a bust of Hoole in stone looks down over the courtyard. The stone bust of an unidentified figure looks out from the centre of the exterior archway.

Henry Hoole.

Hoole was the owner of the Green Lane Works, built in 1850. The inscription on the right hand relief commemorates his term of office as Lord Mayor of Sheffield. He also brought the artist and designer Alfred Stevens to Sheffield, and paid him a salary of £20 a year. Several of Stevens' designs for fireplaces and stoves for Henry Hoole were exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851. It seems that Stevens designed the gatehouse for Green Lane works in 1860 and therefore we can infer that he also designed the reliefs, but as yet we have no firm evidence that this is the case.
We would be of course be interested in hearing from anyone who can positively identify the artist of this work.

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Slide Collection, Learning and IT Services
Last updated September 5, 2006