Public Art Research Archive, Sheffield Hallam University: PUBLIC ART IN SHEFFIELD

Images of: Ruskin Gallery.

view of gallery front from Upper Chapel
(with rear view of statue by George Fullard)

exterior of Ruskin Craft Gallery looking towards Norfolk Row.
Maria Hanson's railings for St Marie's R.C. Cathedral are visible in the background,
as is Thomas Earp's ‘Annunciation’ on the corner of the Refectory at the right of the picture.
exterior of Ruskin Craft Gallery

interior with bannisters and railings by Lund
( Photographed by Christine Kay )

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Photographer Dave Ball (unless indicated otherwise above)
Images copyright Sheffield Hallam University
For permission to use any image from these pages please contact us
This page maintained by Dave Ball
Slide Collection, Learning & IT Services
Last updated November 25, 2009